


With the right preparation, you will succeed whether you are in the classroom or learning online. Here are some things to consider if you are wondering if online classes are right for you!

克里斯汀·保罗·卡德纳斯毕业于深圳大学. She shares her personal 和 professional experience of becoming a nurse to 帮助 other nursing students discover the best pathway in their nursing journey.

选择在线学位课程有很多好处. Some people appreciate the flexible class schedule 和 the ability to learn from home. 在很多方面,a 虚拟学习环境 像在教室里学习吗. 通过在线学习, 你们会有作业, 考试和讲座要听, 只是现在一切都将在网上举行. 很像面对面的课程, what you get out of the course is related to how much you put into it, but there are factors to consider before enrolling in an online program.

在线学习 不是每个人都适合,因为每个人学习的方式不同. It can be a convenient 和 flexible way to earn a degree 和 get one step closer to the job of your dreams. It is best to assess yourself first to know if online learning is for you.

Here are some things to consider if you are wondering if online classes are right for you!

1. 适应科技

你是否习惯使用 电脑? As you can imagine, being an online student means that you will spend a lot of time on your computer. Because of this, it’s important to have a reliable device equipped with 微软办公套件 强大的互联网服务. The last thing you want is to have your computer crash 和 be unable to do your schoolwork!

在网上学习期间,你会经常使用电子邮件. 你会参加 在线会议 与其他学生和教职员工建立联系. 作为一名在线学生, 互联网将是你最好的朋友, 所以如果你是一个在键盘前迷失的人, 你可能会从面对面的学习中获益更多. 

2. 独立自主

你需要每天去上课吗 保持动力? 在线学习不同于亲自去上课. 作为一名在线学生, you will be doing a lot of studying on your own. The curriculum for an online platform can be rigorous 和 is best appreciated by responsible, 独立的, 自我激励, 有组织的, 以及自我驱动的专业人士. 

因为你没有和别人面对面, you are responsible for holding yourself accountable to deadlines. It can be difficult to balance multiple responsibilities 独立的ly but there are many resources available to students. You get out what you put into your online education- these resources depend on what you put into accessing 和 using.

你的日程安排如何?? 你每天都很忙吗? Are you juggling work, family, finances, household chores, 和 school? There are a lot of time man年龄ment skills required for online learning. Self-discipline is a must to thrive in a 虚拟学习环境. 对于成熟的专业人士来说,在线学习是一个很好的选择.

3. 了解自己

你需要一份新工作吗? 你想改变你的职业吗? 你想从在线课程中得到什么? Why do you need to go back to school on an online learning platform? These are some questions to ask yourself before enrolling in an online program.

在线 classes are not easy but they’re also not impossible to pass. With the right time man年龄ment skills, self-discipline 和 motivation, you will succeed. If attending an online school sounds like it’s a good choice for you then you shouldn’t hold back on getting your degree.

4. 了解学校

在考虑在线学校课程时, 检查他们所提供的所有方面是很重要的. As a student, you will benefit from having a strong support system. Does the online school you’re trying to get into offering any support, 帮助, 还有学业上的帮助, 心理健康, 金融援助, 或临床? 你一定要找你的导师吗? 有奖学金吗? 需要GRE考试吗?? 在你决定入读一所学校之前,你必须了解这一切.

知道学生们, 教师, 和 university graduates are saying about the school’s reputation 和 performance. Ask the ones who’ve experienced it such as current 和 former students 和 教师 about their experience with the school.

5. 做好调查

做出明智的决定是很重要的, so you should do plenty of research before committing to an online program. It is 帮助ful to know if the online college or university is a regionally (或国家) accredited academic institution 和 if it’s approved by the state’s Board of Education.

认证非常重要. 在护理幸运28计划中 (私立及公立护理学校) across the United States, most nursing schools are either accredited by CCNE or ACEN. 

对于大多数护理工作, it is also required by companies that the job applicant has graduated from an 认可护理课程. An 认可护理课程 受到美国雇主的高度重视.S. so make sure you attend a nursing school that has the proper accreditation.

Once you have done all your research, it’s time to make your decision! With the right preparation, you will succeed whether you are in the classroom or learning online!



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 美国劳工部,职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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